Nearly every day I walk up the mountain into the national forest with my dog, Finn. On this particular day these thoughts came to me and now I share them with you.
Hat Attack!
One of the things I’ve learned in my decades of walking around outside, is that I really like my hat. Ive tried other types and styles, many times over the years, and my truth is… I like this type:
Home town Annular Solar Eclipse
Hi Friends,
I’m sure that most of you know about this. But there may be a few who just don’t know about this wonderful opportunity happening next weekend. I’m going to Carter Lake to watch and film it. It’s coming Saturday the 14th of October, 9 AM : NEXT SATURDAY!!!!!!
Medford is on the edge of it so you can see a bit of it or move east and north to see it more fully. There will be traffic because a lot of folks do know about it.
The right hand photo below shows what it will look like from the center look at it. You will need serious eye protection, they are very available around town, the sun is dangerous to look at.
Didn’t want anyone to miss it if they didn’t know about it.
Here’s probably most all you need to know: click below!
Wishing you all the best.
love n hugs,
Get ready to have some fun!
You are invited to Greeley’s
online birthday party!
Important: Please REFRESH page to assure that todays link displays.
Guaranteed correct link at 3:45p (pac) each day.
If you have trouble connecting, click here to chat with out support team.
To explore Liz Shepherd’s virtual gallery with a desktop computer, click here.
Please fill out the RSVP form below – so you’ll know about our next project when it happens 😉
It is going to be so nice to be able to sit and visit with my friends at my upcoming birthday party. I am so excited!
Sometimes we will record those discussions in order to use pieces in ongoing film projects we have in production.
This time my party is ONLINE. Kinda weird for a forest dweller like me. Especially after the past BIG parties we’ve had!
Sept 9-12, each day will have a few hours where YOU can join in the circle of friends to discuss all manner of things. I’ll show you some of my new little movies. Short films that I’m working on. Then I’d like to hear your impressions, feedback and additions. We will record some of those sessions, to be able to utilize your comments in future film projects. Pretty Fun, Huh?
— The online event is scheduled for Sept 9-12, 4p to 8p (pacific)–
Each of the four days, we will be on our Zoom call for approx. 4 hours.
Special musical guests have some very exciting and unique spotlights and several artist friends will have virtual art galleries that we can peruse and discuss. We’ve tried to create an online event that is super simple and gives us the similar feel of “Hangin’ Out” together. But without it getting boring. I think this is gonna work great!
If you’d like to join in on the Zoom call, fill in the easy form below and… VIOLA! you’ll get emails that get you on!
ps We PROMISE to not sell or otherwise abuse your email address.
The Siskiyou Crest Fest
It was a joy and an honor to be involved with the Siskiyou Crest Festival that was just held in Williams, Or. The wonderful people that organized the event are my neighbors and friends that love this region as much as I do! And that says alot!
The event was designed to showcase the beauty and uniqueness of this region. I have been creating Art here for decades, and so I was able to submit several different types of art and I am proud to say, I was Accepted for three different categories:
Oil Painting
I got to display a painting titled: “Clearing on the Siskiyou Crest, Rogue Siskiyou National Forest”
More of my older art is available at

I read several poems about the Siskiyou Crest area. All of which are included in my new book “I am only the paper”- available HERE.

Film We created a 17 minute film
“Saving Wellington” to support a project to save some local Wildlands, here in the Siskiyou Crest area. You can watch that film HERE.

A book of my Poetry- “I am only the paper”
It’s been years in the making, but I am finally producing a Book of my own poetry. The book is titled “I am only the paper”. Poetry moves through me. It’s not something that I do. It’s almost like the poem does it to me. You know?

When copies are available, THIS will be the place to order one. If you want to pre-order, message me.
Hey LOOK! — > I’m on TikTok
In my ongoing quest to SHARE the beautiful things that I see, I’ve started to use TikTok.
Its an interesting exercise to try and fit some of my Long-form nature videos, into the realm of 15 second videos. And I am happy to try and bring some calm, peace and beauty to that fast paced world.
CLICK HERE to visit my profile and see some of my most recent little films.

An Invitation to Collaborate and Co-Create !
Hello! Want to be in a few of my films? You’re Invited!
We have some exciting things blossoming in my most recent project called Almost 80!
Right now I am especially excited to invite you in to become part of the next 3 films we are co-creating. This is a fresh new opportunity to connect in with us: Greeley & Friends Roundtable!
The video we just put together with Ed Keller and Serena Davidson and others has more details and inspirations to share with you about what we are envisioning.
We put some love and creativity into this invitation and hope you feel it: It’s an Invitation to Collaborate and Co-Create.
My column in the current edition of “The Applegater” newspaper.
For over 20 years I have been involved with our local newspaper. Writing stories, serving on the editorial board and in recent years Ive been penning a recurring column on Astronomy.
Take a look at the current edition for my column on The Summer Sky. Its got some great information on what to expect and what to look for in the night sky this summer.
4th Night of June
From a very young age I have been fascinated by the night sky. The larger features such as the Summer Triangle have held a particular interest in my mind and heart. A few years ago I even wrote a short poem about it.
This short film combines one special nighttime event that I was lucky enough to capture and show you here as a Time lapse along with that poem. I hope you enjoy this moment.