
 Almost out of control images come and go while I attempt in my own poem to describe the one thing we can do in life in such situations.  With Jason, my editor’s help we put something really illustrative together. Hope you like it too.

Peaceful Heart

 This is a concept close to my heart.  I thought Louise Hay created a wonderful description of who I strive to be.  I think the images support it.  They continually go from something almost abstract and unknowable to something very knowable.  Sometimes to violence of word and of images going together, matching each other. And peace and beauty reining in the end.  

The Beach

In am an inveterate artist. When I see a scene I like, I’m drawn to it as I was this sunset and beautiful beach with interesting waves and structures.  I shot for quite a while.  When I read Rachael Carson’s poem it was an instant connection.  They each worked together to make a wonderful and beautiful statement.  

A World of One Color

We’re just slippin out of winter and like all seasons, I get out and experience it.

My friend and editor Ed Keller flew a drone thru the treetops and at about 30 seconds into this little film, you’ll see a house, the only house you’ll see. That’s my Place! Out in this beautiful wilderness.

I love the opportunity to be here all the time so that whenever something interesting is unfolding, I am available to run outside and capture it. Whatever it is. In snow, rain or Sun. To watch clouds, mist, a creek or a sunset. 24/7, and I take advantage of that.

I invite you to watch this video and any of the others that are on my Youtube channel or here on this blog, in order to see some of what I have seen as I walk thru these amazing landscapes.


Saving Wellington

We created a 16 minute film called Saving Wellington that was crafted specifically to be shown at fundraiser and informational events to help stop the BLM from offering up a beautiful portion of the Applegate valley for logging.  The nearly 8000 acres has never been logged. Many of us feel it should be left intact.

It was a honor that Saving Wellington was also accepted into the 2019 Ashland Independent Film Festival, as part of the “Locals Only” program.   This was the third time we had a film in a festival. We intend to have more in the future.

We would like to thank Luke Ruediger and David Calahan for making this project possible.   Visit their websites for more: and

and, of course:

I was invited to be a guest on a Radio show


Those are radio call letters.  I start with them because I just put a half hour on their air and on their web.   I was a guest on Theresa & Ted’s “Culture Corner” conversations.
You can go to to hear it any time now.
It was billed as: EPISODE 29: 03/16/2019 … Greeley Wells (local ART/FILM/POETRY)
This was a first for me and a lot of fun.  All seemed to flow very nicely and with humor and creativity.  Probably the most public I’ve been with my poems ever and I was glad for the opportunity.  Poetry is a part of my life I don’t talk much about.  It’s been sort of private and occasional.   In the last few years I’ve come out with them a bit more with a monthly poetry reading with six like minded souls as we read together at each others houses.  It’s been very informative and entertaining and helped me grow and become more public about this creative side of me almost no one knows about.  
If you’ll listen you’ll find out about the many films I’ve produced and some new ones about to see the light of day, or a dark theatre.    I am proud to announce that I have a film in the 18th annual Ashland Independent Film Festival.  The wonderful film is called Saving Wellington.  It’s about our beloved Applegate and a central wild area that needs to be protected.  There are two showings Thursday, April 11th at 3:40p, and Saturday, April 13, 9:20p at the Ashland Street Cinema.
So slip into for a little half hour dose of Greeley.
EPISODE 29: 03/16/2019




THANK YOU, to all those that helped me celebrate my 75th birthday.

Last September I had my 75th birthday and to celebrate we had a 3 day party.  Along with my friend and editor Ed Keller, we looked thru some of the footage and threw together this little video of the event for the people that were there.  If you did NOT attend, i still think you’ll have fun watching this little 7 minute “thank you”.

live music by Skijah Indigo

I must also thank all the people who came together to inspire, help and pull this great event off.
Ed Keller & Leela Harlem worked for months to make it happen, with great assistance from Kim, Wrenna & River Keller. Gabe, Don, Jason, Maya, Blake, Grant, Korbin, Nicoa, Teran, Max, Galen, Will, Mirabai, Liz, Ashley, Dawn, Kelsi, Cornflower, Jimmy, Jessica, Freya, Ash, Taylor Marie, Steph, Gage & sons, Chef Al & Donna.
I’m sure I’ve missed some… Thank you too.