Get ready to have some fun!

You are invited to Greeley’s

online birthday party!


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Guaranteed correct link at 3:45p (pac) each day.

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To explore Liz Shepherd’s virtual gallery with a desktop computer, click here.

Please fill out the RSVP form below – so you’ll know about our next project when it happens 😉

It is going to be so nice to be able to sit and visit with my friends at my upcoming birthday party. I am so excited!

Sometimes we will record those discussions in order to use pieces in ongoing film projects we have in production.

This time my party is ONLINE. Kinda weird for a forest dweller like me. Especially after the past BIG parties we’ve had!

Sept 9-12, each day will have a few hours where YOU can join in the circle of friends to discuss all manner of things. I’ll show you some of my new little movies. Short films that I’m working on. Then I’d like to hear your impressions, feedback and additions. We will record some of those sessions, to be able to utilize your comments in future film projects. Pretty Fun, Huh?

— The online event is scheduled for Sept 9-12, 4p to 8p (pacific)–

Each of the four days, we will be on our Zoom call for approx. 4 hours.

Special musical guests have some very exciting and unique spotlights and several artist friends will have virtual art galleries that we can peruse and discuss. We’ve tried to create an online event that is super simple and gives us the similar feel of “Hangin’ Out” together. But without it getting boring. I think this is gonna work great!

If you’d like to join in on the Zoom call, fill in the easy form below and… VIOLA! you’ll get emails that get you on!
ps We PROMISE to not sell or otherwise abuse your email address.


I'd like to attend!(required)

4 thoughts on “INVITATION :

  1. Well-You’ve done it again!!
    Used that incredible zest, vitality and creativity for this upcoming celebration!
    Yay You! And Yay us for loving you and seeing you and being a part of this!

  2. I still have your body map image – you tenderly wrought in silhouette. I’ll find the copy and send!

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